Activate/Deactivate the Timer on the front store

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The Timer will automatically be active after creating it. However, you can manage its status by setting it in our app. Please follow the below instructions to know how to activate the Timer and deactivate it when it’s no longer needed. 

Disable the Timer on the front store

  1. From the App admin page, click on the Countdowns section in the navigation bar. There will be a Countdown list page:

      2. Tick on the Timers you want to be inactive, click on Set as draft

      3. The status is now changed to “Draft” which means the Timer doesn’t show up on your end anymore.

You can go to the front store and check the result. 

Enable the Timer on the front store

If you want to show the Timer on your front store again, you can set the Timer as active again by the above step. 

Tick on the Timer you want > Choose Set as active 

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