How does Lock notifications display on the front store?

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After config the Lock access in the app, you want to check the result on the front store? 

Please view this article to know more how the Lock notification show up on your site. 

There are 5 configurations. They are Placeholder resources, Price & Add to cart, Notification with passcode, Input passcode, Notifications with message

 1. Placeholder Resources

On the collection page, the default lock icon shows up at the position of the product, below is the Message that notify about the hidden product.

The Lock content is usually Hide products on all pages

 2. Price & Add to cart

If you select setting to hide add to cart and product price for non-logged in customers, there will be Login to see price link/button on the front store that directs non-logged in customers to the login page. 

 3. Notifications with passcode

On the front store, the page or product price is hidden and customers only can view the page if they enter the passcode. 

The widget will include one lock icon, the passcode box and the message. 

For example:

  • Enter the passcode to view the page

4. Input passcode

The widget will include the passcode box and the message. 

For example: 

Enter the passcode to view product price

 5. Notifications with message

The widget will include a Lock icon, placeholder, notifications message, and a Back button that directs customers to the previous page. 

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