Connect RFQ form data to Hubspot

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In HubSpot: 

Step 1: Get Hubspot Portal Id

Please follow this link to know more.

Step 2: Find or Generate Your Access Token

Please follow this link to know more


Make sure at least the scopes below is enabled in Hubspot: forms, crm.objects.contacts.write, crm.schemas.contacts.write

In B2B Request a Quote,Hide Price app: 

Step 3: Add the Hubspot Portal Id and Private App Access Token to the app 

Please make sure the list is created in Hubspot first. Learn more

 1. Open the app > Settings > Integrations > Hubspot

 2. Click Hubspot > tick on checkbox Enable

 3. Enter Hubspot Portal Id andHubspot Private App Access Token > paste the ID you find in step 1 and step 2

 4. Select a list from Hubspot to connect

  5. Select the value of the Globo form (on the right) to connect it to the fields in Hubspot (on the left)

 6. Click Save to update the changes

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