View the “Request for Quote” page

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Approach 1: View quote page by quote button

Step to manage

 1. Open the app > click Quote settings > Request for quote button > Edit settings

 2. Scroll down to the Add to quote section > Tick on Redirect to quote page

Keep looking down to the Pages section > Select Request for quote page from the dropdown list.

3. Click Save

On the front store, customers click quote button, it directs to quote page

Approach 2: View quote by quote widget

This feature allows you to show a quote widget on your front store so that customers can easily access the quote page by clicking the quote widget on the page.

Steps to manage

 1.Open the app > click Quote settings Quote widget > Edit settings

 2. In the Quote widget tab > Turn on the Enable quote widget button to show the quote widget on the front store
 3. Select Action > Go to quote page so that customers can be redirected to the quote page after clicking on quote widget

 4. Click Save

When customers click on the quote widget on the page, it will immediately direct them to the quote page.

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