Select products to enable quote feature

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 1. From app admin page, click Quote settings -> Find the Quote Products section, click on the Edit setting button. 

2. Select one of 3 approaches to enable the quote function for products: All products, Conditions, Choose product

3. After all, click Save to update the changes

4. Check the result on the front store

Apply quote function for a collection

 1. From app admin page, click Quotes > click Quote products button

 2. Select Conditions. Set up the condition with collection “Collection – is equal to – [selected collection]}”

 3. After all, click Save to update the changes

 5. Check the result on the front store

Apply quote function for products with tag “quote”

 1. From app admin page, click Quotes > click Quote products button

 2. Select Conditions. Set up the condition with collection “Product tag – is equal to – quote

Note: the tag is case- sensitive. quote tag is correct. If you enter Quote, the condition will not work. 

 3. After all, click Save to update the changes

 5. Check the result on the front store

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