Quote List

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1. Quote list

In order to see the list of quotes, click on Quote list -> view the quotes submitted by customers from the Online store 

In the quote list, we can view the below parts.

Quote status

  • All: All quotes will be listed down when the admin clicks on this tab.
  • Read: This tab shows read quotes.
  • Unread: This tab shows up unread quotes.
  • Order created: This tab shows up quotes that have been created orders.
  • Purchased: This tab shows up quotes that have been purchased.

Quote Sort

Click this dropdown to choose the condition to sort the quotes: Oldest quotes/Newest quotes.


2. Export quotes to a CSV file

  • We provide an option to export the list of quotes to a CSV file. In the Quotes list,  click the Export button
  • Then select one of 3 options in the popup

Export quotes in

1) Current page

2) All quotes

3) By condition


  • After that, just save the CSV file to your computer.

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