Step 1: Set up Google reCaptcha v2/v3 Site Key and Secret Key
Firstly, in order to activate reCaptcha v2 on your form, please make sure that you have filled out Site key and Secret key in the app’s Settings.
Note: If you have not finished this task yet, please read this article to get Google reCaptcha Site key and Secret key and fill them in the app’s settings.
Step 2: Add Google reCaptcha to app Settings
Please follow our below instructions:
From the app admin page, click Settings
Click Google reCaptcha tab > reCaptcha type dropdown > select v2 or v3
Enter Site key and Secret key you get in step 1 above
Select language of the reCaptcha on front store
Click Save and save the app Settings too
Steps 3: Enable Google reCaptcha on the form
From the app admin page, click RegistrationForm > open the form you want to edit
Click Settings > Google reCaptcha > tick on checkbox Enable