Build a “Request for quote” form

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This article will guide you on how to build a Request for Quote form on your site.

Steps to manage

Open the app -> Check on the Navigation bar -> Choose the Quote Form Builder section:

2. Configure the fields and set up Product information to the form.

3. Click Save and check the result in the front store. 


The RFQ Form includes the following parts:

Show Price/SKUS and other information about products

  • Click right tab Settings > Product column(s)
  • Tick the product data you want to add to the form

Add a new field to the RFQ form

  • From the left sidebar of the app, click Elements > Add element
  • Select an element you want to add to the list of all elements

Edit a field

  • Click element you want to adjust
  • Admin can add values for each field’s settings. Let take the “Name” field as an example

  1. Label: Admin adds the field label.
  2. Help text: Admin adds help text for this field.
  3. Placeholder: Admin adds placeholder text for this field.
  4. Class: This field is used to add a custom coding class. You can ignore this field if you do not have coding skills.
  5. Name: The value of this field will be created automatically by our app. This unique ID will be considered as a variable in order to put into Email notification content.
  6. Max length: Enter the maximum allowed characters for the value of this field.
  7. Required: Tick on the checkbox if it’s a mandatory field.
  8. Column width: Select to change the size of the column

Duplicate a field

Admin clicks on the below button to duplicate an existing field:

Delete a field

  • Click on the element you want to delete
  • Scroll down and click the Remove button to delete the field

Reorder the fields

Sort the elements by clicking and pulling the element up and down


Where does the quote form display?

The quote form will show up on multiple position depending on the settings in the app

1. On the quote page

2. On the quote popup



3. On the product page

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